Precious Rolex Replica Watches With High Performance Online

There are several models of Rolex sold at high price. Some of them are equipped with complicated functions and some others are in distinctive style of Paul Newman. There are only two not related to the above types. Today we will appreciate these timepieces.

The enamel dial presents high level of watchmaking craftsmanship.

Brown Leather Strap Replia Rolex

The first one is Rolex Ref.5029/Ref.5028 fake online with enamel dial. Rolex rarely manufactured these products in 1940s and 1950s. Since the dial was completely made by hand, each one is distinctive and only in the world. The charming dial was designed by Marguerite Koch. In 2014, it was auctioned at a price of 1,097,000 Swiss francs.

The special GMT-Master is very rare and precious.

Automatic Movement Copy Rolex GMT-Master

The second one is the special model owned by those celebrities. For example, Marlon Brando’s copy GMT-Master with steel case was sold at a high price of 1,952,000 Swiss francs. In addition, Jack Nicklaus’s Rolex Day-Date was also sold at high price in 1,220,000 Swiss francs.